Our planting tools are growing! You can now add multiple species, stem counts, and planting costs. Plus, we’ve introduced new tasks to track your work and a fresh 1990 layer for even more insights into your forest's evolution.

New Features
Polygon Details Panel Overhaul

We’ve had a lot of feedback on our polygon edit dialog! We heard you, and gave it a glow-up, with a focus on putting the most important attributes such as the polygon name and species front and centre.
Planning Planting Details - Planting more than 1 species?

If you're planting more than one species of tree, that's great! We love biodiversity too - you can now enter multiple species in your planting planning and adjust for the percentage spilt.
Planning Planting Details - How many trees are you planting?

Want to get into even more detail with your planting planning? Enter plants/ha or tree spacing details for your plans. You can also keep track of how much your planting will cost.
Track ETS Registrations, NZU Transfers, and More!

Tracking tasks across a large portfolio is hard, and we now provide a way to do this in the platform. Create tasks for a site, collaborate on them with your colleagues, and track progress across your whole portfolio.
CarbonCrop Land Assessment Report White Labelled

Don't let CarbonCrop distract your customers in your communications. The Land Assessment Report has been adjusted, from the header through to the wording to be a “white label” report.
Invite your colleagues

In the company settings page, you can invite others to your company via their email address. Note they won’t get an invite email, but they will be able to access your sites once they sign in.
Landsat 4 1990 layer - Is your forest ETS eligible?

Additional 1990s imagery from the Landsat 4 satellite is now available in the layers tab to help you out. What’s with the colours? We chose to create a false-colour image based on the infrared and red bands, which show vegetation better than RGB imagery would.
Bug Fixes
You can now see the area of multiple selected polygons.
New version of FieldScan released - made some reliability improvements to data sync and offline mode. Your phone should have updated this automatically.
Lock polygon now locks the planting status as well.
The “site export” CSV now reflects the selected filters.
Removed unnecessary warnings on the warnings tab.
Newly created AI polygons are now correctly labelled as “unclassified” instead of “ineligible”.
Stay tuned for more updates next month!