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CarbonCrop Team

Practical pest control for forests: Things you can actually do now

In this webinar CarbonCrop team member Charlie Cottrell-Jury is joined by Sam Gibson, aka SamTheTrapMan.

*Content warning: This video contains images of dead animals from pest control activities that some people may find disturbing*

If you are registered for the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), you have obligations around administration and forest management. Pest control is an important part of maintaining a healthy forest and will help you in meeting your obligations in the ETS for forest management. Don't worry about the other stuff, CarbonCrop takes care it for you.

What are these obligations?

While pest control, fencing are not requirements of the ETS they help with maintaining your forest and meeting your obligations, which are:

  • Maintain a minimum of 30% canopy cover

  • Remain a minimum of 30 metres in width

  • Forest must remain for at least 50 years

To achieve this many people are proactive in fencing off their forest, and implementing a pest control program to provide the best conditions for their forest to grow in and encourage biodiversity.

You can read more about your responsibilities under the ETS in our blog post here.

Forest type overview

Young Forest

Young forests are low productivity forests, meaning there is less food in the system. As there is less food, there are less rats, less stoats, but these forests are very palatable for possums, goats and deer.

Pine Forest

Pine forests have low fruit productivity so the numbers of rats and stoats will also be lower. The risk of a pine forest is often the understory will be grass, which is highly palatable for possums, goats and deer. Usually pine forests will harbour insectivorous species rather than fruit, nectar and seed feeding species.

Has a limited carrying capacity for biodiversity limiting the species that you’ll find in these forests.


Pests and how to deal with them

Sam provides some highly practical advice on how to deal with the main predators in your forests, and the best traps available to sort them out. The focus from this webinar was smaller pests, if you are looking for information on dealing with deer, stay tuned. Sam will be joining us again to share his expert knowledge soon.


Stoat in a field

Key Information

  • 1 trap per 6-10 ha in pine, manuka or farmland

  • They have huge home ranges

  • Use linear landscape features for best results in trapping them

Best Traps:

  • DOC200

  • A24

Best Bait

  • Meat

  • Eggs

  • Erayz

  • Other ferrets


black and white ferret running

Key Information

  • Ferrets are often found in open landscapes, so are less of a threat in your forest

  • They have a medium home range

  • Swap every 4th trap in your stoat network from a DOC200 to a DOC 250

Best Traps

  • DOC250

Best Bait

  • Meat

  • Eggs

  • Erayz

  • ALP


A New Zealand Possum sitting in a tree eating a piece of fruit

Key Information

  • Possums are a huge pest for trees, with their diet consisting of leaves and fruit. If you have a young forest, or are trying to establish/regenerate a forest possums will be something to look out for.

  • They have a seasonal home range

  • 1 trap per ha or every 100m on ridges and spurs

  • Identify palatable trees & possum runs to place traps

Best Traps

  • Sentinel

  • Trapinator

  • Timms Trap

  • Flipping Timmy

Best Bait

  • Apple

  • Blue Smooth


A rat walking on a forest floor past a dandelion

Key Information

  • Rats mainly eat mice, insects, fruit & seeds. They can damage your trees and reproduce fast so you need to stay on top of this pest

  • They have a small home range

  • 2 traps per ha

  • 1 trap per ha in pine, manuka etc.

  • Use 50x100m or 100x100m grid network

Best traps

  • A24

  • Snap trap

  • DOC 200

Bes Bait

  • Peanut Butter

  • White chocolate buttons

  • ALP

Wild / Feral Cat

A black and white wild cat sitting next to a grey tabby under a bush

Key Information

  • Their diet focuses on mice, rats, insects but can also include lizards and birds.

  • They tend to be more cautious and have a medium home range

  • 1 trap per 40ha

  • Use linear landscape features eg. rivers, ridges, bushedge or existing tracks.

  • Use unique features such as outlier trees, stumps, sheds etc.

Best traps

  • Flipping Timmy

  • Steve Alan

Best Bait

  • Meat

  • Fish


Pest control is an important part of ensuring your ETS registered forest remains compliant. To learn more about pest control check out Sam The Trap Man on social media.

If you have existing forest in the ETS, let CarbonCrop deal with your paperwork so you can focus on what’s important.

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