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Net-Zero Stories

Maggie Marilyn is committed to transparency throughout our supply chain in order to maximise our sustainability impact. Maggie Marilyn is Toitū certified climate positive however, also purchases Native CCUs as we believe we can maximise the impact had on the climate by purchasing credits through Carbonz.
Heilala Vanilla is proud to be supporting regenerating native forest in New Zealand with Native CCU credits. We are continuously looking at our impact on the environment across our total business from Tonga to New Zealand and believe Native CCUs are a real positive step forward in our journey.

At Go Well consulting we know not all carbon credits are of equal quality. As we continue to purchase carbon credits, we will analyse the various methodologies and conduct our due diligence on the credit suppliers. We are confident in the CarbonCrop methodology and that the CCUs are in line with and exceed international voluntary carbon credit standards. We will continue to look closely at the evolving global standards to inform our credit purchases and we are excited to be supporting kiwi restoration initiatives for native forest.
Victory Knives are beginning our journey of understanding our company's carbon footprint. We value CarbonZ’s transparency around their credits being only native New Zealand plantations (not invasive Pine) which we believe is very important to longevity and credibility of carbon sequestration. Their low overheads mean our funds are going a long way to support Kiwi farmers directly and their restoration.

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