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CarbonCrop Delivers Higher ETS Returns to Forest Owners

CarbonCrop Team

CarbonCrop’s technology means more of your forest is registered under the ETS

Forest canopy cover - New Zealand

We don’t miss the little bits so you earn more

Since we launched our ETS offering approximately one year ago, we have a high success rate with all types of forest - all our projects have been approved, with 94% of all hectares submitted accepted. Our technology catches the bits that others miss. This means more forest is registered and your returns are higher.

CarbonCrop ETS acceptance rates vs Everyone else's acceptance rate (2023)

Acceptance rate of hectares submitted to ETS (native + exotic)

We are Native Specialists

But we really stand apart with the registration of regenerating native forest. In the last year, CarbonCrop has submitted ~10,000 ha for registration in the ETS. By comparison, in the approximately 15 years, since the beginning of the ETS, around 40,000 ha of indigenous forest have been registered*.

Bar graph showing native forest registration CarbonCrop in one year vs All other native forest registered since 2010

* Based on MPI statistics released, up to June 2022.

Native forest historically neglected

Before CarbonCrop, indigenous forest represented only 10% of the total forest registered area, a symptom of its historic neglect. Based on published statistics we believe we are the largest registrant of new indigenous forest areas in the ETS.

In less than a year, CarbonCrop has enabled hundreds of thousands of dollars of credits to be paid to landholders through the ETS and we’re not slowing down. At current rates, we expect to deliver more than $20 million in carbon credits for our customers by early next year.

Make sure your whole forest registers.

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